As Salieri turns to the dark side he takes advantage of Mozart’s living in Vienna. This realization leads Salieri to a dark path. He realizes that Mozart is one, the most talented and not him. Mozart becomes a burden on Salieri’s relationship with God and he realizes God has not answered his prayers from his teenage years. Salieri soon regrets this decision when Mozart insults one of his pieces and by sleeping with a woman he is in love with, whose name is Katherina Cavalieri. Although, he still agrees with Emperor Joseph on behalf of his decision to hire Mozart to compose a German opera for the national theater. At the party Mozart acts inappropriately with a young woman and ruins Salieri’s thoughts and admiration for him. Salieri meets Mozart at a party that was held by Prince-Archbishop Colloredo of Salzburg. Salieri’s happy life soon changes when Mozart comes to the city.

After a couple of years Salieri becomes a composer in Emperor Joseph II’s court and throughout this time in his life, Salieri keeps his promise to God he is religious, chaste, and generous to others. His father’s death allows Salieri to study music in Vienna. Soon after Salieri’s wishes to God, his father dies he believes that God has accepted his promise. Young Salieri turns to God and promises chastity and devotion if God turns him into a legendary musician whose name and work lives on throughout time. Salieri’s father dislikes music and mocks his passion for it, as well as his musical idol, the six years old prodigy whose name was Mozart. Unfortunately, his father made it impossible for him to follow his dreams as a composer. A long narrative begins with Salieri’s childhood and in the film we learn that he is passionate about music. Screaming after cutting his throat confessing he has killed Mozart, Father Vogler asks him to repent. The film of Amadeus starts with an older man whose name was Antonio Salieri.